My Approach to Fitness
Lisa has a fun, realistic and molded approach to Coaching Group Classes & Personal 1-on-1 Training. She takes the time to understand your fitness needs & goals before shaping a plan which is realistic and achievable.
Her philosophy is IMPROVE daily. Physically, Mentally & Emotionally. Fitness and life is all about balance, discipline, fun-experiences, adapting and challenging yourself to be the best version of yourself. It’s important to be able to enjoy a weekend away or a family celebration, but at the same time, train smart and hard enough to get uncomfortable to create change. It’s important to dial in your nutrition, sleep and stress. This is where balance, focus and consistency is important, instead of feeling hostage to the idea of always being “perfect”. When you plan your work and work your plan you will drive results. Show up daily!

Habit & Behavior change is a method Lisa uses to promote healthy behaviors, helping you adopt the habits required to reach your fitness goals. Habit-based coaching works. It focuses on repeating small, short-term daily actions to work towards a long-term goal. A "habit" is a small task to complete that forms part of a larger goal with a strategic set of actions. By doing these habits daily (or as often as possible), clients practice changing. Action is more important than information. Doing is more important than knowing. It doesn’t matter how much a client knows, or how much they want to change, only consistent, daily action and discipline creates change.
Clients change by doing and experiencing. Clients are motivated and inspired by doing and experiencing. Doing and experiencing builds belief, confidence, and further motivation. We change best by doing, because change itself is a skill. WHOLE BODY HEALTH is the focus! The mind and body are not separate. What affects one affects the other. Learn to boost your overall health from the inside out, by having a growth mindset, thinking honestly, positive self talk, learning tools to reducing stress, and maximize quality sleep, improve and ensure confidence with eating consciously and exercising to feel strong, sexy and a true WHOLE BODY WARRIOR daily!
Habits help clients:
Learn and Practice important skills
Integrate those New Skills so that they’re automatic
Build a sense of Self-Confidence
Become better at Change itself.